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LAB Agenda 11.20.2019


Associated Students

Sonoma State University

Legislative Affairs Board

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

5 P.M., Erin Fisher Room, Student Center 2nd  Floor


  1. Call to Order

  2. Roll Call

  3. Public Comment – pursuant to California Education Code 89306, the AS Senate provides this time for any member of the public to address the AS Senate on any item affecting higher education.  Pursuant to California Education Code 89306(b), each speaker will be allowed no more than three (3) minutes to address the Legislative Affairs Board.

  4. City Council Report

  5. Business 

    1. LAB 27.19.20 Discussion of comments and concerns regarding this week’s city council report.  (Discussion)

      1. Discussion

    2. LAB 28.19.20 Approval of the Spring Semester meeting schedule of the 2019-2020 Legislative Affairs Board of the Associated Students of Sonoma State University (Action)

      1. Discussion

      2. Action

    3. LAB 29.19.20 Discussion and recommendation of the resolution of support for the bill package provided by the Cal State Student Association (Action) 

      1. Discussion

      2. Action

    4. LAB 30.19.20 Discussion and recommendation to the Senate of the Sonoma State Associated Students commitment to civic engagement (Action)

      1.  Discussion

      2. Action

    5. LAB 31.19.20 Discussion of interesting legislation regarding the CSU and Sonoma State University (Discussion)

      1. Discussion 

    6. LAB 32.19.20 Discussion regarding voter registration efforts (Discussion)

      1. Discussion

    7. LAB 33.19.20 Discussion of ideas and issues that pertain to the purpose and the charge of the Legislative Affairs Board (Discussion)

      1. Discussion

  6. Chairwoman’s Update

  7. Items for the Good of the Order

  8. Adjournment 


Posted on Thursday, November 14, 2019 at the Student Activities Office by:   _____________________

Ms. Emily Ann Miller, Vice President of External Affairs