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Senate Meeting Minutes


Sonoma State University
AS Senate Meeting
Associated Students
12:00pm- Monday, December 4, 2023
Sonoma Valley Room – 2nd Floor Student Center


I. Call to Order & reading of the Land acknowledgement- The meeting was called to order by at: 12:02 pm;

II. Roll Call- everyone present;

III. Public Comment – pursuant to California Education Code 89306, the AS Senate provides this time for any member of the public to address the AS Senate on any item affecting higher education. Pursuant to California Education Code 89306(b), each speaker will be allowed no more than three (3) minutes to address the AS Senate.

IV. Liaisons Reports
a. University President’s Designee- Designee Jones reported: Noma Care Central delayed to this upcoming Spring; coming with a new Land Acknowledgement with Graton Casino; working to get all students enrolled; Project Rebound got confirmation making allocation with all 23 CSU campuses;
b. Academic Senate Representative- Representative reported: last senate meeting, presentation from Mr. keating and second reading of the opposition resolution and vote was approved and sent to President and Provost; still a lot of questions on deciding on; focusing on academic reorg; 1st floor on the Library open 24 hours for the next 2 weeks and 2nd floor will be open until midnight;

V. Special Guest
a. Tiffany O’Neil - Assistant Vice President for Alumni Relations and University Engagement- Ms. O’Neil reported: through Alumni Foundation, Grad Packs are offered for graduating seniors and where the Senior Gift will be go to; including cords, tshirt, graduation commencement, license plate and a bit more; 3 years since philanthropic gift back to campus; last year, AS Senate Board decided to give it to the HUB Cultural Center; Grad Pack is going on right now for the Fall Graduates this semester and just discussing where the Senior Gift will go to based on the sales of the Grad Pack;

VI. Business
a. Approving amendments to the AS Bylaws as recommended by the AS Audit & Rules committee (ACTION)
i. Discussion- Senator Fast wanted to ask a question for article 6, focusing on Senate Meetings: What and who is the acting Administrative Officer? ED Dickson said that it is the AS President; Senator Frickmann asked about Article 3, Section 3a, since the end of the term where it said it will commence on June 1st, or would you could end on June 1st or when the officer position; VPF Trent said it would be good to clarify that since the wording is a little unclear; Senator Frickman asked wouldn’t it have to say that it end on the last Senate meeting for the semester and last week of the instruction? ED Dickson asked if it is less than a year, when do they get the reward: at the end of their term or at the end of the last week of their position ending; President Garcia asked why not remove part of the statement?; VPF Trent said if you do remove part of the statement, you will have to have a specific end date? The Board are changing the wording on a couple of sections; Senator Frickman moved to approve the amended bylaws of Article 3, Section 7d to state the term of office for an appointed Executive officer shall be determined by the Senate at the time of appointment and for section 8d to state the term of Appointed Officers shall be determined by the Senate at the time of appointment; VPF Trent seconded the motion; Motion passes unanimously;mSenator Frickman moved to amend the bylaws document to state to change all the wording of Committees to Boards for AS; Senator Sanchez seconded the motion; The motion passes unanimously; Senator Frickman suggests the Senator of Athletics would be focusing on a very small population since there is only approximately 200 athletes on this campus and would not have a lot to do in that job ; Senator Sanchez also agreed of the idea from EVP of the Senator of Atheltics position but maybe put in under Student Success in the job description; ED Dickson is suggesting to have a discussion because this is changing the outline of AS and when to have that discussion for all these new positions because of the job descriptions being a bit inconsistent; Senator Fast thinks we could do some changes but not all changes since it affects the current term; VPF Trent think of changing the positions will be affecting the current Board’s positions and wait until last week of instruction; Senator Frickman agreed with VPF Trent;
ii. Action- Senator Frickman moved to approve the AS Audit and Rules recommended Bylaws amendments; Senator Fast seconded the motion ; Senator Frickman withdrew her motion; Senator Frickman moved to approve the amended recommendation of the AS Audit and Rules Committee’s proposed amendments & AS Bylaws in the following sections: mission statement, Article 1, Article 2, Article 3, Section 6&7 only, Article 4, Article 5, Section 3, 4 & 5 only, Article 6, Article 8, Article 9 with the exception of Section 4c and 4d, Article 10, section 3&4 only, Articles 11-16 all effective on January 22nd, 2024 ; Senator Frickman moved to amend the motion to include Article 3, Section 8, VPF Trent seconded the motion; Motion passed unanimously; Motion passes 5-0; Senator Frickman moved to approve the amended recommendation of the Audit and Rules Committee's proposed amendments to the AS Bylaws in the following sections: Article 3, sections 1-5 only, Article 5, sections 1-2 only, Article 7, Article 9, sections 4c and 4d only, and Article 10, sections 2 only all effective on May 7, 2024 upon the conclusion of the business of the 2023/2024 session of the Associated Students of Sonoma State University Incorporated, Senate; Senator Fast seconded the motion; Motion passes 4-1;

b. AS.CR 001.23.24 - Revision to the Corporate Resolution Establishing the annual meeting schedule of the 2023/24 AS Senate (ACTION)

i. Discussion- Senator Frickman suggested for Tuesdays 4pm; VPF Trent amended to the Corporate Resolution to change the time to 4:30 pm-6:00 pm; Senator Sanchez seconded the motion; Motion passes unanimously;

ii. Action- Senator Sanchez moved to approve the document as amended; Senator Frickman seconded the motion; Motion passes unanimously;

c. Flexible Holiday Schedule Policy (ACTION)
i. Discussion- ED Dickson is discussing of the Flexible Holiday Schedule Policy;
ii. Action- Senator Frickman moved to approve the Flexible Holiday Schedule Policy; Senator Sanchez seconded the motion; Motion passes unanimously;

VII. Reports

a. AS President

b. Executive Vice President

c. Vice President of Finance- VPF Trent reported: finance Committee last meeting last week; future plans for 2024, clubs applying for operational grants for the Spring;

d. Senator of Diversity

e. Senator of Student Resources- Senator Fast reported: last Open Forum is tonight from 5-7pm; Finance Committee complected; SAC completed;

f. Senator of Government Affairs

g. JUMP Representative- Volunteer Appreciation Night next week from 5-7pm with pizza; Last week of Study Buddies;

h. Basic Needs Representative

i. ASP Representative- Rep Wang reported: Past Events: Paint & Sip(11/14)- 92 students attended, feedback: a hit and
seats were filled; Cost for event: $400; Cost for student: $4; Spill the Tea(11/15); 70 students attended; feedback: students love the free boba; TC for event: $990; TC for student: $14.14; Night at the Theater (11/16): Attendance: 75; TC for event; $1,065; TC for student: $14; Open Mic Night(11/30): 25 students attended; feedback: students appreciated the supportive environment, performers found getting their phones connected up for music easily and smooth; TC for event: $621; TC for student: $25; Events Hosted: 22; Budget spent to date: $96,937.68; Upcoming Events: Study with ASP tonight in W&B from 4-7 pm with free hot chocolate, coffee, and lemonade; Trivia Night tomorrow in Lobo’s from 6:30-8:30 pm Holiday themed; FashioNOma in the Ballrooms on Dec 6th, starting at 5pm; Gingerbread Bash in WB on Dec 7th from 6-8pm with free Panera;

j. Children's School Representative

k. Student Government Representative- Representative Porter reported: committee appointments, tabling with AS a general; last Open Forum is today at 5-7pm; AS Elections; Info Sessions today and in the following semester;

l. Executive Director- ED Dickson reported: he will be coming back to AS full time in January; if you are sick, stay home; Spring 2024 enrollment: as of last Friday, SSU had 5,168 students enrolled, there is still few hundred new and  returning students out there who need to register, so the University is reaching out to those students as of right now; Almost 100 applications for the next semester than last year; Children’s School is fully enrolled next semester with 51 children, 4 more than this current semester; However, they are struggle with student employee and coverage due to graduation and other concerns; they are also looking for a new software for enrollment, attendance and billing; 2 contracts we have the state of California are having some troubles when it comes to reporting of audits and require reported;

XI. Items for the Good of the Order-

XII. Adjournment- The meeting was adjourned at: 1:33 pm

Posted in accordance with the Gloria Romero Open Meeting Law of 2000 by: President Cassandra Garcia

The Associated Students of Sonoma State University acknowledges Indigenous Peoples as the traditional stewards of the land. Let it be acknowledged that the Associated Students and Sonoma State University is located within the traditional homelands of the indigenous peoples collectively known as Coast Miwok and Southern Pomo.